Bouquet Preservation

Turn those beautiful blooms into lasting works of art.

Custom heirloom designs

Hand crafted, floral artwork you can enjoy for years to come and pass down from generation to generation.
We hand select the best blooms from your bouquet to preserve and incorporate into a piece as unique as you are.

Only Available to finch & The Sprout CLIENTS

This is a service exclusively available to any current and past Finch & The Sprout couples.

We are not able to take on additional work outside of our current client list at this time.

Preservation turn around is typically between 8-12 weeks.

Step 2: add this service on during your initial consultation or our final design call.

Step 3: Ship or drop off bouquet the monday following your event. Bouquet must be kept in water and out of direct sunlight during this time. Please note that all shipping costs are your responsibility.

Step 4: wait patiently, or impatiently, for your stunning bouquet to be transformed into a work of art. preservation typically takes 8-12 weeks. Full payment is due at the time your bouquet arrives to us.

Step 1: Choose From Our current offerings:

6"x6" Resin Square $400

8"x8" Resin square

7" Resin Circle

7" Resin Hexagon $550

9"x9" Resin hexagon

Ornament filled with dried preserved Petals

Pressed floral Frames
(white, natural, Walnut or black)

11x14 $325
16x20 $450

(2) 6"x4" Bookends $600

(1) ring holder